What is a Hallmark Hatcher?

Northern California not only boasts beautiful farms and foothills, but hidden in nooks and cracks of winding vineyards, unpaved roads, and creeping into the buzzing suburbia, showcases some of the best hatchers in the industry. Passion, compassion, ethics, and more…

We select Hallmark Hatchers who stand out above the rest because of stand-out effort in their breeding selections. They are either best-practices driven or innovating a “mad hatch” effort to build something better and daring to create something new. We showcase their MAD (Making a Difference) efforts and recognize them for their successes.


Our Criteria

Hallmark Hatchers must…

  • be nominated by another person

  • have a special breed project (completed or in progress)

  • have implemented an ethics standard and infrastructure for breeding standards (their own or adopted)

  • clearly exemplify passion in their breeding

  • have demonstrated over 100 successful hatches


Do you know someone who should be a Hallmark Hatcher?

Do you know someone who is Making a Difference (aka M.A.D.) about their breeding efforts? We are exposing our Hallmark Hatchers to over 20,000 viewers, and excited to share the efforts of those who are M.A.D.!

Nominate them today using the form below!