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Located in the beautiful town of Loomis, CA, Bombshellchix complements Rolling Rock Farm and Gardens, their farm and gardens store. Rolling Rock Farm and Gardens features a pumpkin patch in the fall, sells vegetable starter plants, raw honey, local art, and much more. Yvette, the wonderful owner and operator of Bombshellchix, embodies what it means to be M.A.D. (making a difference) with the passion she demonstrates in her work.

Breed specialties

  • Mauve/Mauve Splash/Chocolate/Mottled Choc. /Chocolate Cuckoo/ Lavender Orpington

  • Langshan (Champion Lines)

  • Chocolate/Mauve/mauve splash Marans Project

  • Death Layer

  • True Ameraucanas Large Fowl and Bantam

full breed list available on bombshellchix website

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Eggs and feather beauty is the status quo at Bombshellchix. If you are seeking beautiful, candy-colored eggs, look no further than to this breeder's creation. Her baskets are just like a rainbow, with a special passion for purple eggs. Ever seen purple eggs? Bombshellchix makes them! 

Her Langshans are gorgeous, a real show-stopper! They are large and while they look like they're in charge, their temperaments are as sweet as can be. A must-have for the exotic collector. Outside of Langshans, she carries other SOP classics and exotics. 

Bombshellchix APA SOP breeds include:

  • Langshan (Blue and Black) 

  • True Wheaten Blue Wheaten Ameraucana (Large Fowl and Bantam)

  • True Black and Lavender Ameraucana LF

  • LF Cochin Blue, Black (frizzled and smooth)

  • Isbars blue and Black

  • Black Copper Marans

  • Blue Copper Marans

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Yvette is obsessed with color and feather fluffs. Visit her to see a cloud of Mauve Orpingtons that love to chitter-chatter and invite themselves into your space! An Orpington from Bombshellchix is sure to be a family favorite!

Bombshellchix sees to it that you and your chicks are on to a good start. Her outward effort comes from a sincere desire to want you to start the chickens right, and reviews from customers state she'll go out of her way to make sure the babies are happy, healthy, and thriving with their new family. She is super excited to be working on her Mauve and Chocolate Maran Project!

Favorite Chicken (don’t tell the others!): One of Yvette’s favorites is her late Zorro, who was a black Langshan rooster, and her first to show at the California State Fair. Most recently, she has been loving her 7 bantam Ameraucanas. They follow her everywhere!

A word of advice from Yvette: keep good records and make sure your incubator is set up properly. A beginner should do their research, not just start hatching. Also, never leave food out at night, collect eggs every evening, and don’t leave any holes larger than 2 inches to keep the chickens safe.

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You can find more information about Bombshellchix at…

Bombshellchix website

Bombshellchix Facebook

Bombshellchix Instagram

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